Ready for the Worst Fire Season Ever?
Californians are used to wildfire season, but this year is predicted to be one of the worst on record. Luckily, there is one simple thing you can do to protect your property.
Two scary facts:
-2018 set a record for the most acres burned in a fire season at almost 2 million acres.-2020 more than doubled that damage and led to the coining of a new term, "gigafire," to describe a single fire that burns more than a million acres. That's bigger than the state of Rhode Island.Cal Fire's website states:While wildfires are a natural part of California’s landscape, the fire season in California and across the West is starting earlier and ending later each year. The length of fire season is estimated to have increased by 75 days across the Sierras and seems to correspond with an increase in the extent of forest fires across the state."
One Simple Step
So what can you do to protect your property? Get fire abatement services now. Clearing dead and dying brush and trees from landscaping, especially areas like slopes and fence lines, is an easy way to reduce the amount of fuel and potential wildfire damage on your property.Fire abatement services have two additional benefits:-preventing fines from the fire marshal-clearing out areas that can otherwise make attractive camping areas for vagrants.With fire seasons stretching longer and longer, it's probably a good idea to start putting fire abatement services into the budget each year.